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COI from the Maltese Data Base
version: 07/2010

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The Coifficient of Inbreeding (COI)
The COI expresses common heritage and was first proposed by Sewell Wright in 1922. It can theoretically range from 0 to 100%, and indicates the probability that the two alleles for any gene are identical by descent.

The Coefficient of Relationship (RC)
The RC provides a way of objectively assessing the similarity of two pedigrees by giving a number that is a direct measure of shared ancestry. In most human populations, two individuals picked at random would likely have a RC of 0, a brother and sister 50% and identical twins 100%. Other relationships would fall between 0 and 50%.

The Kinship Coefficient
The fAB term in the RC equation is also called the 'kinship coefficient' and can be used as a measure of relationship between two individuals. It's computation is the same as that of COI for a hypothetical litter.